Assisted Living vs. In-Home Care: Which is Better for You?
As your parents or loved ones grow older, you may find yourself making the choice between choosing assisted living or in-home care.
My Mom Has Dementia… Can She Sign Legal Documents?
Understanding a loved one’s wishes when they begin to suffer from the symptoms of dementia can be a difficult process, which is why it’s best to ensure that all of their documents are in place while they are still well.
Ensuring Your Estate Plan Reflects Nursing Home Care for Your Spouse
As life unfolds, circumstances change, and one such significant change can be the transition of a spouse into a nursing home. While this shift undoubtedly brings about emotional and logistical challenges, it’s also a critical moment to reassess and update your estate plan.
Strategies for Asset Protection When Your Spouse Requires Nursing Home Care
When a loved one, especially a spouse, needs to transition to a nursing home, it can be emotionally challenging. Alongside concerns for their well-being, there's often the pressing issue of safeguarding your joint assets. Nursing home costs can quickly deplete savings...
Set Yourself Up for Financial Success in 2024
As we step into the new year, it's the perfect time to reflect on our financial goals and take proactive steps towards a secure future. Whether you're eyeing that dream home, planning a major purchase, or considering your legacy, the key to achieving financial success...
Securing Your Legacy: The Impact of Estate Planning on Financial Success
When is the perfect time to reflect on your financial goals and prioritize the well-being of your loved ones? Right now. At Miller Estate and Elder Law, we are always educating folks on the significance of estate planning in achieving financial success and securing...
Should an Estate Plan Be Your New Year’s Resolution?
As we step into a new year, it's not uncommon to make resolutions focused on personal growth, health, or career aspirations. However, one crucial resolution that often goes overlooked is estate planning. Establishing an estate plan is a proactive step that ensures...
Navigating Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss Dementia Symptoms With a Parent
Initiating a conversation with a parent about dementia symptoms can be a challenging and emotional experience. However, addressing the issue with sensitivity and understanding is crucial for their well-being and future planning. At Miller Estate and Elder Law, we...
You Promised You Wouldn’t Send Your Parents to a Nursing Home, But…
A Heartfelt Promise and the Reality of Caregiving In a quiet moment, you may have looked into your aging parents' eyes and made a solemn promise, "I'll never put you in a nursing home." It's a vow filled with love, commitment, and the best intentions. However, as time...
Is It Too Late for Me to Get Long-Term Care Insurance?
As you or your loved ones age, the importance of planning for long-term care becomes increasingly evident. Long-term care insurance can be a vital part of this plan, helping to cover the costs of nursing homes, assisted living, and in-home care. But what if you...
How Much Will Medicaid Pay Towards a Nursing Home Stay?
When it comes to long-term care, many individuals and their families rely on Medicaid to help cover the costs. Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that provides health coverage to low-income individuals, including support for nursing home care. However,...
What’s the Difference Between Alzheimer’s and Dementia?
If you or a loved one are navigating the complexities of elder care and estate planning, it's important to understand the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia. Though it may seem these two terms are used interchangeably, they refer to different aspects of...
Miller Estate and Elder Law
Anniston Office
818 Leighton Ave.
Anniston, AL 36207
Birmingham Office
1 Perimeter Park South, Suite 100N
Birmingham, AL 35243
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