
Elderly people often want to remain in their homes as long as practical. But their caregivers and loved ones face some tough decisions. How can they keep Grandma Ruth safe while respecting her rights? Sometimes, Medicaid home and community-based waivers provide the best solution to a difficult situation.

Avoiding the Move to a Nursing Facility

Long-term nursing care doesn’t have to mean you have to pack up and move to a nursing home. When it’s appropriate for a patient, in-home care is preferred over residential care. For one thing, it’s less expensive. Depending on the level of care needed and the location, costs may be as follows:

Nursing home care – between about $200-$235 per day, or approximately $6,000 – $7,000 per month.

Assisted living care – about $2,930 per month. Care for patients with severe Alzheimer’s or dementia may cost $830 more per month.

Adult day care – averages around $47 a day. Again, it’s more expensive in some areas than others.

In-Home Care – typically costs $17 to $22 per hour. Monthly cost, of course, varies depending on the number of hours the paid caregiver works. At 4 hours a day, 20 days a month, the cost would range from $1,360 to $1760.

So, How Can Medicaid Help?

Home- and community-based services are available to qualified Medicaid applicants. The Alabama Elderly and Disabled (E & D) Medicaid Waiver program offers waivers to people age 65 or older, or disabled. Those who qualify may have the state manage their care or may choose their care providers through a program called Personal Choices. This is sometimes called self-directed, participant direction, or cash and counseling.

The waivers are used to pay for in-home or community-based care. The program will not pay for 24/7 in-home care, though.

Use of Medicaid waivers for in-home care helps individuals while also reducing costs for Medicaid. However, participants in the program must first be qualified to receive Medicaid benefits.

Eligibility Is the Issue.

The attorneys at Miller Estate and Elder Law assist clients with applying for the right public benefits, like the Alabama Elderly and Disabled (E & D) Medicaid Waiver program.

For a free consultation with an experienced Alabama attorney, contact us at 256-251-2137 or use our convenient Contact Form. We have offices in Anniston and Birmingham and serve clients in Gadsden, Hoover, Talladega, Vestavia Hills, and surrounding areas.