Turning 18 is a meaningful milestone—not just for teenagers, but for their parents, too. It marks the transition into legal adulthood, which brings with it a whole new set of rights and responsibilities. Your child can now gamble, get married, and even buy a house! And, while this all sounds very exciting, as a parent it’s essential to understand the implications of this transition. You need to make sure that your child is prepared for the many changes that come along with adulthood, and that you have what you need to continue supporting them through this transition.
Does Your Child Have These Essential Legal Documents in Place?
Before singing “Happy Birthday,” it’s important to remember that your child will need certain legal documents in place as soon as they reach the age of majority. These documents are crucial to protecting your child and empowering you to continue supporting and assisting them as they take on the complexities and responsibilities of adulthood.
At 18 years old, your child will gain new legal rights—voting, signing contracts, and making medical decisions—but, as their parent, you will lose access to their medical records, financial information, and other sensitive information.
This is where the 3 essential estate planning documents come into play. By having a healthcare proxy, a HIPAA authorization, and and a durable power of attorney in place, your child can designate trusted individuals—like you, as their parent—to make medical and financial decisions on their behalf, should they become unable to do so themselves. These documents ensure that you can continue to advocate for your child’s best interests, even in challenging circumstances.
Of course, estate planning isn’t just about medical issues; it’s also about financial matters. As young adults transition into college and the workforce, they may need assistance managing their finances, accessing educational records, or dealing with legal matters. Having the right legal documents in place can streamline these processes and prevent unnecessary complications.
Becoming a legal adult is a significant milestone that requires thoughtful planning and consideration. Before they blow out their birthday candles, ensure that your child has the necessary legal documents in place to ensure peace of mind for all. Estate planning may not be the most exciting topic (especially for a teenager), but it’s essential for safeguarding your child’s future and making sure they have the support they need to succeed at every step of the way.
Let Us Help Secure Your Child’s Future
At Miller Estate and Elder Law, we know that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to estate planning. We’re here to guide you through the process of protecting you, your loved ones, and your legacy with care and personalized attention.
To help you get started, we’ve developed a FREE guide that explains each of the essential estate planning documents that anyone over the age of majority should have in place.
Have more questions? Get in touch with us today by filling out the form below.